
Election Integrity

Delaware Republicans are committed to fair and secure elections. Every Delawarean who is legally entitled to vote should be able to do so and know that election results accurately reflect the decision made by the legitimate electorate.
As far back as 2005, the Carter-Baker Commission on Federal Election Reform issued their report. It included, among other things, that Photo ID was critical to securing the integrity of our elections.
The report also pointed out that widespread absentee voting easily led to voter fraud. Additionally, they found that voter files contained ineligible, duplicate, fictional and deceased voters.
Sadly, these conditions set the stage for voter fraud. Despite their best efforts, we know that the Department of Elections' voter rolls are not accurate and they are not current.
When individuals fraudulently cast ballots, it projects doubt on the outcome of one of the most important activities of a self-governed population. The right to vote is sacred.
The responsibility of voting should be undertaken after careful consideration of each candidate's position. It is critical to secure the integrity of an election and the strength of each person's vote.
Because the right to vote is critical to our democracy, we do not subscribe to any interference with a citizen's right to exercise it.