Pathway to Victory
What will be the Republican pathway for victory this November?
The leaders of the Democrat Party have opened the door for us this year. All we have to do is show voters of every persuasion the sharp contrast between the two parties.
The leaders of the Democrat Party want abortion on demand up to birth.
We want justice for the unborn.
The leaders of the Democrat Party have opened the door for us this year. All we have to do is show voters of every persuasion the sharp contrast between the two parties.
The leaders of the Democrat Party want abortion on demand up to birth.
We want justice for the unborn.
They want to take it easy on those who violate the law while making it hard for police officers to perform their duties.
We want to show support for the police, because we know that all officers should not have to suffer for the wrong actions of a rogue officer.
They want a society where government has most of the power.
We want less dependency on government and more individual freedoms.
They want to limit or do away with your Second Amendment rights.
We want to ensure you maintain your Second Amendment rights without any “infringements.”
They want to levy taxes and increase the size of government with little thought towards accountability.
We want a less intrusive government and more accountability where tax dollars are spent.
They want open borders, which, as a consequence, will make it easier for gangs such as MS-13 to cross over with their drugs and victims of human trafficking.
We want strict border security with a clearly defined pathway for citizenship for those who enter legally. We want a responsible immigration policy.
They think bureaucrats should decide where your children are allowed to attend school, and what they should learn.
We think parents are the ones with the right to decide about their children’s education through Education Empowerment Accounts. We want curriculum that inspires our children to do their best and feel good about contributing to the future of our great nation.
They think in "collective terms.”
We think in terms of "individual rights.”
They restrict.
We enable.
They think people need to be told how to live.
We trust people to make their own decisions based on their beliefs.
Bryant Richardson for Senate
Bryant Richardson for Senate